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This website is intended to help every visitor to understand the REAL world and the times in which we are living.
I did NOT start to understand the REAL world until after the September 11th, 2001 attack on America and the world.
My articles will take you through my awakening process as I learned the truth of what's REALLY happening and WHY.
I suggest that you start with this article 2014 0804 "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye" (UPDATED: 2019 0806)
We changed the name of this website to based on that article, because the information in that article is crucial to understanding what's REALLY happening in this world. I further suggest that you continue reading every article after it, in the order in which they were written. There is a flow of information in later articles that is based on that article. Think of the "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye" article as Chapter One and the articles afterward, as additional chapters.
I never ask anyone to blindly trust me, and I strongly suggest that you don't blindly trust anyone in the videos that we have provided in our video section or in the videos found in my articles.
Nobody gets everything right, including me. I don't agree with everything that the people say in every video. Some of these people are not Believers in Jesus Christ, but they know a great deal about what is happening in the world.
We encourage you to search the scriptures in the King James Bible and confirm that what I am telling you in my articles is true and what the people in the videos are saying is true.
In the end, the only thing that matters is having Faith in Jesus Christ.
If you have not already noticed, it's becoming VERY difficult, if not IMPOSSIBLE, to find the sort of information that we offer on this website. We encourage you to save EVERY piece of information that you find valuable on this website NOW, before this website is no longer available because of SATAN's New World Order attacks on this website.
I have a vast collection of screenshots that show how the MAJOR search engines are HIDING my articles because they serve SATAN'S New World Order, not you and me. They don't want you to know the things that I have been writing about since 2011. Here is a screenshot of a BING search for: kiss your illusions goodbye:
That screenshot was taken on August 05, 2022. Notice that it shows Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye in FIRST place with a total of 7,050,000,000 results. THAT'S 7 BILLION results
What results do YOU get TODAY when you search using those exact same words? Not even close, right? I have MANY screenshots of MANY different articles of mine that show HUGE results that are on PAGE ONE. I can't even find those articles NOW, when I search for them.
Because of this turn of events, I am making the following request of you. If you find any information on this website to be helpful, PLEASE share that information with your family and friends. They most likely WON'T find it NOW, without your help.
I don't want to stand before GOD ALMIGHTY on JUDGMENT DAY and have to account for my failure to warn people about what is REALLY happening and WHY. Do You?
We are NOT asking you to share any information that you don't believe. We are ONLY asking you to share what you understand to be true AFTER you have read the articles and watched the videos. You are the decider of what you will believe.
The TRUTH is ALWAYS the TRUTH, even if none of us believe it.
A LIE is ALWAYS a LIE, even if ALL of us believe it.
All we are asking is that you seek to know the truth and then share it with your family and friends.
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
We invite you to visit our Bitchute channel:
This is a list of government employees (State legislators, mayors, city council, county board of supervisors), news agencies and individuals that have been contacted and KNOW that the US Constitution is GONE.
1200 Studies that refute vaccine claims
Don t Talk to the Police
Paradise Lost; ~ The Great California Fire Chronicles
"This book and video is dedicated to all who have been displaced and disrupted by the California fires through no fault of their own. They deserve better than how they have been treated by their insurers, their local politicians, their state ‘representatives’, their local & state fire and police agencies, FEMA, and Red Cross." James W. Lee, book author.
Book: free pdf download: Paradise Lost; The Great California
50 Years After 'The Lie' Of Apollo 11 - We did not go to the Moon! We did not land on the Moon! Click on the link, watch the videos and Learn The Truth!
Billy Graham died on February 21, 2018. Did he deceive you?
The Approaching 1930's Style Depression
Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So 2014 (1) - January
False Flags on Five Fronts 01
False Flags on Five Fronts 02
Dave McGowan - Boston Marathon marathon/
2017 1229 What Happened in Vegas - Web Mini-Series
Webmaster's Note:
There is uncertainty associated with net neutrality and the effects it could have on this site. We encourage you to download and save videos and articles from this site in the event that access to this site is limited in the future.
Webmaster's Warning on November 19, 2019: Recently we spoke with an Internet provider, and we were told that "they are expecting conglomerates to buy up all the Internet service providers next year. They expect it will come down to one or possibly 2 choices for service throughout the country."
We strongly encourage you to save whatever information you find valuable on the website before it's too late. Sites like this one won't be around much longer.
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You are invited to visit and SHARE with others, the new features available on this website. Two libraries of documents and videos referenced in the articles are now available as streaming videos or free downloads.
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Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye Evidence Room
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Articles by Kevin Dunn |
Click on Article Title to read article:
2011 0611 What is REAL and What Is Imaginary (UPDATED 2019 0802)
2011 0902 Banned from Forums for Sharing Truth (UPDATED 2019 0830)
2012 0114 "Ron Paul is Not the Answer" (UPDATED 2019 0831)
2012 0124 Separating the Wheat from the Chaff (UPDATED 2019 0831)
2012 0211 The Rock Stars of the Alternative News Media (UPDATED: 2019 0902)
2012 0218 "Look at the Whole Board (UPDATED 2019 0903)
2012 0220 Defeating the New World Order (UPDATED: 2019 0908)
2012 0304 A Hoax called "Thrive" (UPDATED 2019 0910)
2012 0305 Have YOU been Properly Dramatized? (UPDATED 2019 0914) ADDED (8) 9-11 VIDEOS
2012 1102 Banned Again for"No Reason was Specified"(IMPORTANT UPDATES 2019 0923)
2012 1113 The Power of Doing Nothing (UPDATED 2019 0926)
2012 1229 Random, But Important Information (an ongoing log of information)
2013 0426 The Enforcers Are Destroying America
2013 0801 "Your Money and Liar's Poker"
2013 0802 Brainwashing and Conformity 101
2013 0826 Who Loves Ya,Baby? (amended 2013 0827)
2013 0901 When will the 'Aliens' Start Landing?
2013 0907 If You Are NOT a Christian, You have NO Rights
2013 1004 Separating the Stuff from "The Stuff"
2014 0725 "Arrogant NYPD Spokesmen"
2014 0728 "Laws and Children's Games"
2014 0804 "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye" (UPDATED: 2019 0806)
2016 1018 Hey Voters..... Have You Figured It Out Yet? (UPDATED: 2019 0802)
2016 1205 Lions and Tigers and China, Oh My!
2017 0107 The "War on Drugs" is a War on America (UPDATED: 2019 0814)
2017 0120 Reasons to Distrust the Police (UPDATED: 2019 0825)
2017 0205 Government Paid Crisis Actors
2017 0207 Arizona is "Dog Training" Drivers (UPDATED: 2019 0825)
2017 0312 UPDATE: Reasons to Distrust the Police (UPDATED: 2019 0814)
2017 0324 The Rise of the Warrior Cop
2017 0411 Thug Sheriff and His Gang Just Threatened All of Us (UPDATED: 2019 0814)
2017 0420 California is "Dog Training" Drivers Too
2017 0526 Confusing and Conflicting Police Actions (UPDATED 2019 0802)
2017 0528 "Hate Crimes"? "Blue Lives Matter"? Seriously???
2017 0702 Military and Police 'Interoperability' is the Goal of JOINT Training (UPDATED: 2019 0825)
2017 0923 Huntington Beach Police Chief Defends Murder of Suspect
2017 1017 Good Cops. Bad Cops. How to tell the difference
2017 1022 Desperation is in the Air. Can You Feel It? (UPDATED 2019 0802)
2017 1117 The "Dog Training" of Drivers Continues. It's COVERT Warfare
2018 0307 Was the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida another Hoax?
2018 0320 FALSE Preachers and Their Lies of Omission
2018 0324 FALSE Preachers and Their Lies of Omission - part 2
2018 1213 HEROIC Officer Frederick Dominguez + JFK's Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy Speech
2018 1222 Mr. Carson Shuts Down the USA Government for a Border Wall
2019 0115 Here is an Example of How Brainwashing Works (UPDATED: 2019 0825)
2019 0201 The Anatomy of a BAD Police Shooting in Tempe, Arizona
2019 0210 The Police ARE Your Enemy. Do You Understand Yet?
2019 0815 MORON FBI Agent Writes Article Saying 'Cops Aren't Your Enemy'
2019 0922 Who is a "Terrorist"? It's the USA Government, of Course!
2019 0926 Who is a "Terrorist"? Part 2 (UPDATED: 2019 1020)
2019 1024 MORON FBI Agent UPDATED
2020 0103 The Anatomy of a BAD Police Shooting in Tempe, Arizona UPDATE
2020 0320 FIRE!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. RUN!!! RUN!!! RUN!!!
2020 0329 ‘Calm Before The Storm’: Donald Trump Makes Cryptic
2020 0330 JESUIT Educated Arizona Governor Doug Ducey is a TERRORIST (UPDATED 0407 2020)
2020 0413 Arizona's Mohave County TERRORIST (aka 'the sheriff')
2020 0602 Kingman Arizona Police Chief Rusty Cooper is a LIAR (UPDATED2020 0603)
2020 0704 Happy "Independence Day"? Really???
2020 0710 WORMWOOD is Coming
2020 0717 Exposing "Truth Teller" Richie from Boston
2020 1203 Flag Waving 'Patriots', Voters, SATAN's Order Followers and Other Things
2021 1001 Crazy Vaccine Propaganda
2022 0206 The Lesson of David vs Goliath is for NOW (video)
2022 1125 COVID Vaccine is a BIO-WEAPON
2023 0128 COVID Vaccine (Bio-Weapon) was an ACT OF
WAR on the ENTIRE World by the US Pentagon.
2024 1228 Weather Warfare Destroyed Asheville, North Carolina
"Why is Mohave County Arizona Sheriff's Office painting it's patrol vehicles with the same colors used in Hitler's Nazi flag?"
Nazism in Amerika
(PDF file; Nazism in Amerika) Right click this link to "save as" Data/es546754/archive_org.pdf
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Articles from External sites - click here
Twelve Triggers for World Government dated December 26, 2011