Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye

Weather Warfare Destroyed Asheville, North Carolina
by Kevin Dunn. Written and posted on December 28, 2024

It has been almost 2 years since I wrote my last article. I thought I was finished writing articles. What more needed to be said for people to understand what's REALLY happening? Even after Hurricane Helene hit Asheville, North Carolina, I waited to see who said what about it. I thought I said enough in my previous articles for people to understand that event, but then I watched a 3 part video series by Truthstream Media that is simply wrong on so many levels.

I posted a blurb on our homepage several months ago. Here is a small, but VERY important portion of that blurb.

"I suggest that you start with this article 2014 0804 "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye"

We changed the name of this website to based on that article, because the information in that article is crucial to understanding what's REALLY happening in this world. I further suggest that you continue reading every article after it, in the order in which they were written. There is a flow of information in later articles that is based on that article. Think of the "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye" article as Chapter One and the articles afterward, as additional chapters."

If you read that article, it will make it much easier to understand what I'm about to say in this article.

This ministry contacted Truthstream media over ONE year ago to share the Truth about what is REALLY happening in this world and WHY it is happening. They read our email and then spent time on our website on several occasions afterward. They had access to every article and video.

If you have watched any Truthstream Media videos before now, you know that they do an excellent job creating those videos. They look as professional as anything that you will see on the LYING TV "News" and they usually offer an exhausting amount of information. They are VERY thorough in researching and finding information that most people will never find on their own, even if they tried. However, now that I have watched their 3 part videos about the Asheville, North Carolina hurricane, I'm wondering why they FAILED to identify what happened in North Carolina as a US GOVERNMENT WEATHER WARFARE ATTACK, which it was.

Since they failed to say that, I'm wondering what other information they are concealing in all of their videos. Deeply researching things doesn't just produce "good things". It also finds the EVIL things that have been hidden from us by the "education" systems, the "News media", the "health care" systems, the "legal" systems, etc. The very purpose of investigating things is to come to the TRUTH, no matter what that truth might be. LEAVING OUT information that DOES NOT SELL THE NARRATIVE that someone wants us to accept, is what the LYING "News media" does every day, but WHY is Truthstream doing it?

They call themselves TRUTHstream Media, BUT are they truthful?

Before Jesus was given over to death by Pilate, he said to Jesus:

John 18:38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.

With that said, I'm going to show you how Truthstream Media FAILED to tell people the TRUTH in their 3 part Asheville videos. Furthermore, I'm going to show you how their  presentations are DESIGNED to keep you ignorant and confused about what's REALLY happening in this world and WHY, just like the LYING "News media".

Here is Truthstream's 1st of 3 videos about this event.

What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 1)


At the 01:13 markMelissa says "There are people, there are American's, right now who are trapped".

Who, in America, talks that way about people who are living in America? Does anyone say "a school bus, carrying AMERICAN children, was just involved in a traffic accident in New York City"? Nobody talks that way, BUT Melissa is already working to manipulate everyone into a "we are all in this together" mindset, but are we?

What we really have is a "us vs them" scenario playing out in this disaster and Melissa isn't identifying "THEM" because that opposes the "we are ALL in this together" mindset that she is promoting. I have already told readers MANY times who "THEM" is. "THEM" is the United States federal, state, and local governments. ALL of THEM are the ENEMIES  of the American People. I prove it in this article 2014 0804 "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye" and the articles that follow it. If you didn't read that article as I suggested, perhaps you should do it now, because until readers understand the TRUTH presented in that article, they will be easily manipulated by the LYING "News media", no matter what name they call themselves. Anyone calling themselves Truthstream Media should be telling people THE TRUTH.

At the 01:40 mark, Melissa says "I'm actually really pissed off" as she talks about what is happening in Asheville and the surrounding areas devastated by this hurricane. That "we are ALL in this together" comment makes her appear to be on the side of truth and on the side of everyone who has been victimized, but is she really?

At the 07:53 mark, we have a woman saying "the news is not even coming close to catching the TRUE devastation".

Imagine that. We are NOT being told the truth by the LYING "News media" that is OWNED by the very people who are destroying America and the world. When anyone watches "the news", they should DISTRUST everything that they are told and shown until it is PROVEN to them, and I mean PROVEN. In order for something to be proven, WE have to THINK about what is being said to us and sometimes that thinking takes a while. Maybe it takes A LONG time, in some cases. THINKING FOR A LONG TIME IS GOOD.

Here is how I handle EVERYTHING that I am told and shown by the "news media", no matter what subject they are presenting.

If something is TRUE, but I don't believe it, what is the COST to me for NOT believing it?

If something is FALSE, but I believe it, what is the COST to me for believing the LIES?

I decide for myself what I will believe, BASED ON what I already know and what I LEARN while considering what I am told. There was a time when I trusted almost everything that I was told by "authority" figures like teachers and preachers and government EMPLOYEES who FALSELY claim to be our BOSSES. The government is NOT our boss, despite it's FALSE claim of authority OVER us. Again, I PROVE these things in my articles starting with 2014 0804 "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye"

I don't NEED to believe anything that I am told by anyone, BUT I AM certainly going to believe something about almost everything that comes to my attention. If I believe that something is not worthy of any additional thought on my part, beyond the initial presentation of that information, then I AM making a choice, so I should be careful.

People are walking around BELIEVING things that are NOT true, because they were TAUGHT / BRAINWASHED to believe those things by teachers and preachers and government employees and the LYING "News media". THAT BRAINWASHING continues during our entire life. Truthstream Media is also involved in BRAINWASHING people.

Public School was CREATED by SATAN's New World Order to train us to accept any and ALL information from "authority figures" like teachers and preachers and doctors and lawyers and politicians WITHOUT really thinking about what we were told. I AM A GOOD EXAMPLE of someone who believed a GREAT MANY THINGS that I was told by "authority figures" as I shared with you in 2020 1203 Flag Waving 'Patriots', Voters, SATAN's Order Followers and Other Things .

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

That website belongs to Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, the former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, who blew the whistle on government activities.


Dark Intentions of Public Schooling



So Satan's henchmen worked hard to dumb us down and part of that dumbing down was to tell us the UNIVERSE started 15 BILLION years ago when NOTHING EXPLODED and created everything we see now. REALLY??? ALL living things have DNA. DNA is a massive amount of information that is found in EVERY living cell. DNA determines what happens as each living thing grows. Where did that information come from? Each one of us is the result of the combined DNA from our parents union. We are all different from each other because of that DNA.

Look at that word EVOLUTION. EVOL is LOVE spelled backwards. Say EVOL out loud and it sounds like EVIL.

Since ALL words are made up by someone to convey a particular meaning, WHY did they create the word EVOLUTION to explain ALL life?

1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

So EVOLUTION (EVIL-UTION) is the opposite of God

Here is what I suggest that people consider as they ponder GOD. No matter what we believe about GOD, NONE of us can prove how the UNIVERSE came into existence. We ONLY have FAITH that we are correct in what we believe about where we came from and where we are going at the end of our lives. WE DON'T KNOW, but we do have evidence to make our own choices about it all.

Genesis 1:
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Notice that GOD created the heaven and the earth. How did HE create them? HE spoke a single verse. ONE verse. UNI means ONE. = UNIVERSE.

Verse 3 has GOD speaking light into existence in ONE verse. Go through the 1st chapter of the King James Bible and read how GOD SPOKE things into existence.

UNIVERSE is a word used today by anyone who talks about space, planets, stars, ect.

IT ALL comes back to GOD speaking ONE VERSE ("UNI" means ONE) A unicycle means a bike with only one wheel. So EVERYONE who speaks about the UNIVERSE, is speaking about HOW GOD CREATED everything. GOD CREATED the DNA in every living cell. GOD is the SOURCE of ALL information, and Satan is the CORRUPTER of life

I said all of that about God, to suggest that MANY people are believing MANY things without REALLY thinking about them. MANY people are rejecting Jesus Christ without really understanding what the King James Bible reveals about this life. I try to show people connections that they are missing because they have been TRAINED to reject them.

Remember, there is ALWAYS a cost regarding our choices in this life, so PLEASE choose wisely.

Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:

Again, I, Kevin Dunn, say this to you:

If something is TRUE, but I don't believe it, what is the COST to me for NOT believing it? I just showed you the COST. unbelieving = which is the second death

If something is FALSE, but I believe it, what is the COST to me for believing the LIES?

IF the King James Bible is FALSE, but I believe it, what is the COST to me for believing the LIES?

I do believe in Jesus Christ and the purpose of this website is to prove to every visitor that the King James Bible is The WORD of God. Furthermore, I show people exactly how the King James Bible talks about the events like Asheville. Asheville was ATTACKED by Satan's 2nd BEAST of Revelation 13 (video), better known as the United States government.

At the 10:03 mark, Melissa says "it's beyond unprecedented....... they've never seen anything like this before".

So she is saying that this event was like NOTHING that we have ever seen before and YET, she continues to talk as if this was NOT WEATHER WARFARE. If this is NOT weather warfare, how much WORSE would things be if weather warfare would have been used to MURDER 1000's of people and destroy the countryside?

I posted 2 short videos about Weather Warfare in the article Who is a "Terrorist"? Part 2 dated September 26, 2019. That's 5 YEARS ago, and YES, I said the United States GOVERNMENT is TERRORIZING the entire world including America. For all of Truthstream's DEEP investigations into other matters, HOW could they NOT know this?

At the 11:57 mark, we are shown a video with a CBS "news" video that has the headline "Biblical devastation".

This shows us that even the LYING "News media" will make claims about THE BIBLE, if it serves their purpose of DECEIVING every viewer. You just read that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death". That is quoted straight from the King James Bible. I did not post it to be dramatic. I posted it because I don't want ANYONE going to HELL. Asheville is a WARNING about what is REALLY happening in this world. Time is short. Make the RIGHT choice now.

At the 14:27 mark, Melissa is talking about the lack of a centralized location where people can report missing people and find out about missing people and she LAUGHS a little, which is subtle way of shrugging and SELLING all of this to the viewers and easing them into ACCEPTANCE, as if to say "oh well, just another example of government incompetence". BUT remember, she said "I'm actually really pissed off" at the start of this video. How can a person be REALLY angry about something and also LAUGH about it??? She said "I'm actually really pissed off" at the start, to make people think that Truthstream is ON THEIR SIDE, but Truthstream is NOT on our side.

Then she says "It's all done by CITIZEN'S. It's definitely NOT happening through **** OUR GOVERNMENT **** ". There we have it again, FALSELY claiming that the government is "OURS". We have ALL been BRAINWASHED our entire lives to think of "the government" as being "OURS", but it's NOT "ours' and it has NEVER been "ours". ALL Government is OUR ENEMY and TRUTHSTREAM KNOWS THIS. They came to this website several times and read my articles which are ABSOLUTELY clear that ALL Government is OUR ENEMY, but Truthstream has an AGENDA that is about keeping people IGNORANT and CONFUSED.

My agenda is to TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH, NO MATTER WHAT. Nobody LIES to another person for the other person's benefit. THINK ABOUT IT.

There are LAWS against LYING to the POLICE, BUT ALL police chiefs and sheriffs ARE LIARS as I have proven several times in my articles.

There are LAWS against LYING in a courtroom, BUT the US Supreme Court told everyone that the US Constitution is GONE when the same sex marriage ruling happened.

There are LAWS against LYING on your TAX form. Say these 2 things out loud. ATTACKS.  a TAX. They sound exactly the same because they ARE exactly the same.

GOD has LAWS against LYING. "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death"

If you did not know this, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Dykes are the front people for Truthstream. I don't know if or how many people are behind them in this Truthstream operation, BUT Aaron worked for Alex Jones at Infowars. Here is Aaron giving an Infowars 9-11 presentation 10 years later.

I have written about Alex Jones being UNTRUSTWORTHY in previous articles and here is a video proving his untrustworthiness.

Alex Jones is an Absolute Shill Sellout, He does not work for us 100% Proof [Mirrored]



Now that I have seen what Truthstream has done with their 3 part Asheville reporting, I see the same type of Infowars deceptions.

At the 16:26 mark, we are shown a clip of a man talking about how bad things are and there is a note saying "OUR GOVERNMENT is NOT doing a damn thing about it".

Here is reality. Change that note to "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing anything about it" and it makes complete sense, doesn't it? That's ALL that people need to do TO BREAK THEIR BRAINWASHING. Truthstream is doing NOTHING to HELP you to understand what's REALLY happening and WHY it's happening.

At the17:19 mark,  Melissa says "I find what I'm about to say to you VERY UNREAL......... IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE".

COME ON Melissa, ALL you need to do is say "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING TO BE THE GOVERNMENT, is NOT doing a thing to HELP ANYONE. In fact, they are HINDERING PEOPLE from helping each other". The United States federal, state and local governments ARE Satan's 2nd BEAST of Revelation 13 (video).

At the 18:37 mark, a woman is talking about "TEMA (Tenn version of FEMA) TELLING people "do NOT donate your time unless WE ASK for you". "Don't donate stuff TO OTHER PEOPLE". "just donate MONEY to US". "Get YOUR INSTRUCTIONS FROM US". "LISTEN TO US".

This woman is already well on her way to saying "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING TO BE THE GOVERNMENT, is NOT doing a thing to HELP ANYONE". WELL DONE Ma'am, but "your local churches" have likely SOLD OUT to Satan's 501c3 system. Dr. Lorraine Day wrote about it.




At the 20:03 mark, a woman says "WE have lost OUR organizations".

Sorry to say, but NOTHING is "OUR'S" in this world. Pretty much everything that we have been BRAINWASHED to trust in, was set-up to work against us in these last days.

Unlike Truthstream, which is selling merchandise and asking for donations to fund their operation, this website is paid for out of our own pockets. No advertising, no selling, no requests for donations. We do that to SERVE JESUS CHRIST and to help the world to understand what's REALLY happening and WHY.

GOD the Father takes NO pleasure in the death of the wicked and neither do we. We want everyone to repent of their sins and BELIEVE in Jesus Christ.

Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

There are NO 2nd chances to believe in Jesus Christ once a person dies. NOW is the time to CHOOSE Jesus Christ.

At the 22:02 mark, Lake Lure FIRE CHIEF told helicopter pilot "you are interfering WITH MY OPERATION" and then told the pilot "YOU WILL BE ARRESTED".

This is starting to make sense NOW, right? "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING TO BE THE GOVERNMENT, is NOT doing a thing to HELP ANYONE".

At the 22:58 mark, COP threatens business owners with ARREST for getting their own property


At the 24:55 mark, Melissa says "everyone has been asking 'where's FEMA'? where's the aid?  why aren't they here? Why aren't they helping?

"OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing a thing to HELP anyone".

At the 27:18 mark, Melissa paraphrasing a female US Army soldier "we can ONLY do what we have been ORDERED to do".

READ 2020 1203 Flag Waving 'Patriots', Voters, SATAN's Order Followers and Other Things

Satan's Order Followers by Mark Passio   



At the 28:06 mark, Melissa says "alot of people are asking where are the military helicopters"?

Satan's ORDER followers ARE our ENEMY. They SERVE OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, and NOT doing a thing to HELP anyone".

Satan's Order Followers by Mark Passio   

At the 28:45 mark, Man stating that 2 Air Force helicopters were sitting on the ground in Asheville. When he talked to the crews of those helicopters, he was told "WE CAN'T GO. WE ARE WAITING ON ORDERS" He further states that there are military helicopters all over just sitting on the ground and they can't do anything. He goes on to say

WELL I KNOW WHAT KIND OF CONSPIRACY is stopping the military and I have written about it several times.

In my very first article  2011 0611 What is REAL and What Is Imaginary  I said:

"Stop allowing your sons and daughters to sign up for the military. The USA military is being used to dominate the entire world in preparation for the antichrist's arrival, which is only a few short years away, if not sooner. The USA military has bases in at least 139 countries right now. The intended purpose is for the USA military, as the power supporting the 2nd beast of Revelation 13 (video), is to enforce the One World Govt for the antichrist."

For 13+ YEARS, we have been WARNING PEOPLE on this website. We are warning NOW.

At the 30:05 mark, video of man speaking while a notice below him says "FEMA is Halting relief flights and CONFISCATING SUPPLIES AND DONATIONS"

This makes TOTAL sense now, right? "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing a thing to HELP anyone".

At the 36:39 mark, Melissa is talking about the REAL PURPOSE of having a National Guard, which is to HELP Americans IN AMERICA and EVERYBODY KNOWS IT, "except for the people who are running things in the MOST CORRUPT WAY POSSIBLE.     

Melissa... you are ALMOST admitting what I keep saying..... "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing a thing to HELP anyone".

At the 37:59 mark, the US govt is giving money to other countries. $8 BILLION to Ukraine, $8.7 BILLION to Israel, BUT the Hurricance victims will get $750.00 each

Read 2014 0804 "Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye" and each article after it, in the order in which they were written and you will learn that Satan's 2nd BEAST of Revelation 13 (video), better known as the United States government, is preparing to dominate everyone, everywhere, WITH the help of the "ruling class" in every country.

The USA government is MAKING DEALS with EVERY LEADER of EVERY COUNTRY as it BUILDS a One World government FOR THE antichrist.

At the 39:14 mark, man exposes GOVERNMENT LIES about the rescue of baby, who HE saved, and the LYING "News media" was in on the LIE.

At the 40:54 mark, Melissa says "OUR president".

NOPE. HE IS YOUR ENEMY posing as president. EVEN IF he was president, he would ONLY be your EMPLOYEE >>> IF <<< government was legitimate.

Did you read this article?  2018 1222  Mr. Carson Shuts Down the USA Government for a Border Wall . In that article, I compare the TV Show DOWNTON ABBEY to America. The Crawleys are the BOSSES at Downton Abbey and Mr. Carson and his staff are the EMPLOYEES. So it SHOULD BE in America, >>> IF <<< the government was legitimate. People DON'T VOTE FOR THEIR BOSSES. People vote for THEIR EMPLOYEES just like people select their doctors, lawyers, repair men, mechanics. People ARE ALWAYS the BOSS in every transaction involving people who they HIRED to perform a certain task.

Most people NEVER figured that out. WHY? Because they have been LIED to and BRAINWASHED their entire lives AND most people have STOPPED THINKING DEEPLY.

It's SIMPLE to understand, ONCE a person stops and REALLY THINKS, isn't it?


Melissa, you are almost saying "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing anything to HELP ANYONE".

At the 42:23 mark, a woman says "like what is going on. I don't understand".

I hope that woman gets to read this article. The answer is: "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing anything to HELP ANYONE".

At the 42:24 mark, Melissa says "this is NOT incompetence, OK? Incompetence suggests THAT SOMEBODY IS JUST TOO STUPID"."THIS IS SOMETHING ELSE"

Melissa, you have been to this website and read my articles. YOU ARE NOT A STUPID PERSON. NO MORON can make the amazing videos and do the DEEP research found in  your videos. Now I'm wondering IF you have other people DOING the work for your videos and YOU ARE JUST THE PRESENTER??? I don't know what is true regarding your behind the scenes arrangements, BUT YOU KNOW and GOD KNOWS.

Is GOD speaking to you as you read my article now? Is HE telling you to REPENT and SEEK Jesus Christ? GOD does NOT want you to perish and neither do I, but only you and GOD KNOW what is really happening with you. IS HE WARNING YOU NOW?

At the 46:33 mark, Melissa says "also there is a lot of conspiracies going around that I think should be taken with a grain of salt"

THE TRUTH IS ALWAYS HELPFUL. ALWAYS. The sooner EVERYONE knows the truth and SHARES the truth, the better.

This life is nearly over for ALL of us. When you see the DEAD Pope John Paul II return from HELL as THE antichrist, there are ONLY 7 years left before this life is OVER for everyone. Jesus Christ rose from the DEAD. THE antichrist Pope John Paul II will do the same. I prove these things in my articles.

Melissa and Aaron Dykes are NOT stupid. If they FAIL to tell you the TRUTH, they PLANNED it that way.


What Is Actually Going on in North Carolina? (Part 2)

I am only going to comment on a few things shown in this video, because most of what I said about the last video, can also be said about this video. People are still complaining that the government is NOT helping and the government is HINDERING people who are trying to help.

At the 16:31 mark, video of US GOVT BLK HELICOPTER INTENTIONALLY flying low enough to BLOW away a donation collection site.

Doesn't that CONFIRM what I have repeatedly said? "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing anything to HELP ANYONE".

At the 21:39 mark, some guy, sitting in a vehicle wearing a vest with a POLICE badge on it, IS PLEADING for donations that people can give at police / sheriff depts.

REALLY???? TRUST NO POLICE. NONE OF THEM ARE TRUSTWORTHY. If this guy was trustworthy he would be telling you what I have been telling you.

If you are reading this article on Kiss Your Illusions Goodbye  then you know that I am a retired Arizona Highway Patrolman.

There are 3 Reasons that the POLICE can accurately be called UNTRUSTWORTHY.

1. The officer CAN'T figure things out, ON HIS / HER OWN, through his/her own THINKING abilities.

2. The officer can and HAS figured things out, BUT IS NOT TELLING people and WARNING them.

3. The officer KNOWS the truth, either through his / her thinking abilities or because someone TOLD him / her, BUT this officer LIES to people about the topic.

While reason number 1 lacks any malice on the officer's part, it also proves that the officer is NOT FIT for the job. Police work is almost ENTIRELY about THINKING WELL, despite Hollywood pumping out massive amounts of GARBAGE with cops dressed in COMBAT GEAR and carrying COMBAT RIFLES and driving COMBAT vehicles. In my career, it was RARE for GOOD officers to even draw their handgun. THINKING WELL and TALKING WELL solved almost every situation.

I wrote the article Arizona is "Dog Training" Drivers on February 07, 2017. In that article, I VERY CLEARLY tell /show you how the Arizona Highway Patrol TOP brass LIED to EVERY officer and EVERYONE living in Arizona about the OKC bombing that happened on April 19, 1995. I retired from the Arizona Highway Patrol on Dec 31, 1998.

Before the 9-11 attack on America and the world, I did NOT understand the REAL world and the things I'm telling you now. When I started to investigate, I learned the truth about MANY things that completely contradicted what I believed. I know how difficult it is to overcome a lifetime of BRAINWASHING.

When I wrote my 1st article, 2011 0611 What is REAL and What Is Imaginary  I fully expected GOOD officers to INVESTIGATE what I was saying. The police are in the investigation business. That's their JOB. There are almost 1 MILLION cops in America. I am only one person. I only KNOW so much. I clearly don't know everything. I was CERTAIN that the GOOD officers would take the ball that I was handing to them and they would further investigate what is happening and then WARN and PROTECT the American People.

That has not happened.

There are MANY TV "News" programs like "Dateline NBC", that spend the WHOLE hour reporting on some murder investigation while talking to "detectives" about how they solved the crime. They MAKE the "detectives" look like they are brilliant for solving the crime, but none of these "detectives", in the entire country, can figure out what is REALLY happening in this world and WHY it is happening and WHO is committing THESE CRIMES against ALL of us? REALLY????

HOW can this be?

Here's the answer: 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows

The COPS and the MILITARY VALUE their own paychecks MORE than they value The American People, who they have turned their backs on for a worthless dollar.

The POLICE are Watchmen in the King James Bible. In fact, my former employer, the Arizona Highway Patrol, has the motto "Courteous Vigilance", which they have on every envelope they send out when corresponding with people. defines it: "Vigilance is the state of being watchful or alert for danger or some other kind of trouble."

Since NOBODY from the Arizona Highway Patrol is warning people about THE DANGERS AND THE TROUBLE that I have shown you in my articles, it is very easy to see the truth of this ""OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, is NOT doing anything to HELP ANYONE".

The Arizona Highway Patrol FALSELY claims to be Vigilant. They want people to THINK that they are trustworthy, but who can trust them when they are NOT warning us about the things that I have shown you? They want to present a GOOD IMAGE, but that image is just a MIRAGE, an optical illusion. The Arizona Highway Patrol started calling itself Arizona State Troopers in 2015, and they changed the design on the patrol vehicles.

Here is a picture of an Arizona Highway Patrol vehicle that looks like what I drove before retiring in 1998.


Here is a picture of a current Arizona State Trooper vehicle.



Notice that the white patrol vehicle has straight and LEVEL markings. The blue stripe on the side and the Highway Patrol on the trunk are LEVEL.

Now look at the trooper vehicle. It has the stripe and State Trooper tilted. On the driver side, State Trooper is going UP as you read it, BUT on the passenger side, it is GOING DOWN as you read it.

Symbolism is important. The white patrol vehicle with blue markings was standard since about 1980. That's 35 years of presenting a clean, LEVEL appearance. Now the trooper vehicle is DARKER with State Trooper written in BLACK, along with the BLACK stripe. The color BLACK is commonly used when things are SINISTER. According to, sinister is defined as "singularly evil or productive of evil".

Furthermore, the very tilting of State Trooper indicates that the troopers ARE CROOKED. Where do you see any business that has a crooked sign? Sure, there may be some places that have unusual architecture or designs, but most places don't and there is NO GOOD reason for a police agency to use such symbolism

Just looking at the State Trooper vehicle alone, they are sending the message that they ARE CROOKED, SINISTER, and up to NO GOOD despite the department motto of "Courteous Vigilance" written on the front fender. Is that State Trooper RISING out of HELL or is it DESCENDING into HELL?

Either way, the Arizona Highway Patrol is EXACTLY like the rest of the police agencies in America, which are led by LYING POLICE CHIEFS AND SHERIFFS.

Again, the POLICE are Watchmen in the King James Bible.

Ezekiel 33:
2 Son of man, speak to the children of thy people, and say unto them, When I bring the sword upon a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman:
3 If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people;
4 Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head.
5 He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be upon him. But he that taketh warning shall deliver his soul.
6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

WATCHMEN who FAIL to WARN people are MURDERERS. but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

GOD is CLEARLY SAYING TO THE WATCHMEN, IF you DON'T WARN people about what is happening and they PERISH as a result, HE is going to hold you accountable AS IF YOU CAUSED THAT PERSON TO PERISH.

Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

"Courteous Vigilance" = Watchmen. Watchmen = a person who keeps watch, guards, and WARNS.

For a TRULY WORTHLESS DOLLAR, COPS are dooming themselves to an ETERNITY in HELL / Lake of Fire


Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates owned by them to the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 per troy ounce.

1933 One ounce of gold = $20.67

2024 On Dec 27, One ounce of gold = $2,632.30 USD


What is REAL? That one ounce of gold in 1933 is STILL one ounce of gold TODAY.

What has changed? "OUR ENEMY, that is PRETENDING to be the government, STOLE the VALUE of the FAKE paper "money" through INFLATION.


When gold reached $2067 in PAPER dollars, the "value" of that dollar became completely worthless.

NOW that paper dollar is in NEGATIVE territory.

CAN YOU POLICE FIGURE THAT OUT???? You are chasing GARBAGE called "money"

YOU are HELLBOUND unless you change your WICKED WAYS and start doing your REAL JOB of WARNING and PROTECTING the American People.

Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

I assure you, the FBI, the police chiefs, the sheriffs, the POLICE UNION presidents ALL KNOW about the things I have been writing.

MY AGENDA IS TO TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH, NO MATTER WHAT. That is WHAT every cop should be doing.

These cops and military want people to THINK that they are "HEROES" while they NEVER stand up to the people who GIVE THEM ORDERS, NO matter what those orders are. RIGHT and WRONG never enters their minds.

AMERICA IS DOOMED and you can thank the military and police for ALL OF IT.




IF YOU CAN'T DO THAT, then what I just said about the police and military IS TRUE.

At the 37:13 mark, Melissa shows a screenshot of a post made by someone about FEMA. Melissa takes us down HER INTENDED PATH of DECEPTION as she tells us that government is INCOMPETENT and has been incompetent during every single disaster this "CENTURY" so far, and she says it's NOT getting better.

Come ON, Melissa. Government is NOT incompetent. How can a government be incomptent when it has OVER 800 military bases in OVER 175 countries?

Do you ALSO think that the 3 Stooges were morons off screen, like they PRETENDED to be on screen?

Government has been PRETENDING that it is ONE thing, while being something VERY different and EVIL for a VERY LONG TIME.

Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?

The USA government is SATAN'S 2nd Beast of Revelation 13 (video) and IT is the POWER that FORCES the world to worship THE antichrist.

EVERYONE can figure this out. 800 military bases around the world PROVES the exact opposite of incompetence.

Melissa, IF YOU CAN'T FIGURE OUT THE OBVIOUS, how can anyone trust your information about anything?

What Is Also Going on in North Carolina (and Everywhere Else, Part 3)

For the first 25 mins or so, this video focuses mostly on the pollution caused by the massive flooding.

At the 25:58 to 27:50 marks, Melissa spends time trying to make FEMA appear to be incompetent by going into it's "Secret History" with quotes by "trustworthy" people who happen to be GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.

BY now, we all KNOW that "OUR ENEMY is PRETENDING to be the government, and IT is NOT doing anything to HELP ANYONE", so why is Melissa focusing on FEMA? The ENTIRE government is our enemy. There ARE USEFUL IDIOTS at the lower levels of government, BUT THOSE people are NOT controlling anything. THEY ARE ORDER FOLLOWERS as I showed you earlier.

FINALLY WE GET TO SOME TRUTH at the 27:50 to the 30:12 mark. This is GREAT information.


Lyndon Johnson video clip:

We are shown HONEST information about Weather Warfare, that the LYING "News media" calls "geoengineering" Calling Weather Warfare, "geoengineering", is like calling an assault rifle a "POP GUN". The clip of Lyndon Johnson saying "he who controls the weather, controls the world" is exactly what happened in Asheville, North Carolina. They ARE controlling the weather with CHEM TRAILS left by jet's flying everywhere.

When I was a highway patrolman, I frequently watched airplanes as I sat along the wide open spaces of I-40 during lulls in traffic. I watched them for 22 years until I retired in 1998. There were NO chem trails during all those years. There were ONLY condensation trails, depending on humidity and air temperature. NO trail last longer than 1 minute. NOW I see trails that go from horizon to horizon between mountain ranges, and sometimes they last for HOURS before they fully dissipate. Most of the time they dissipate in a few minutes, unless there is massive chem trailing taking place for a MAJOR STORM somewhere in the midwest or the east coast. Then they turn a clear blue sky into a thin mush cloud that might go from horizon to horizon. I still watch these things happening daily with a clear view of the sky.

Lyndon Johnson was also involved in the ASSASSINATION of JFK, so when he talks about controlling the world, he meant it.

After this TRUTH about weather warfare, the rest of the video soon turns into worthless garbage about LITHIUM.

Watch the Truthstream video until you can't take it anymore. Then watch some TRUTH.

Ford's 1st Flex Fuel Car: the Model "T" w/ David Blume

In 1908, Henry Ford built a DUAL fuel car that could run on gasoline or ALCOHOL.

Do you know WHY "PROHIBITION" became "law" from 1920 to 1933 that prohibited alcohol in America? It was NOT to stop people from drinking alcohol. It was to CRUSH the ability for people to make their own ALCOHOL FUEL to run vehicles (and anything else that runs on gasoline like household generators today) They were ALREADY PLANNING to use petroleum fuel as a way to create alliances with oil rich countries while the US government was BUILDING it's ONE World Order to dominate EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE FOR SATAN. Remember, the US government is SATAN'S 2nd BEAST of Revelation 13 (video). Also remember that the US government encouraged American businesses to send their COMPANIES AND JOBS to China for the VERY SAME REASON. They CAN'T hide everything that they are doing, SO THEY HIRE LIARS like the LYING "News media", to DECEIVE us and keep us from knowing what's happening and UNDERSTANDING IT IF we see something happening.

I am trying to help everyone to see and understand what is happening.

PROHIBITION was also used to INTENTIONALLY CREATE gangsters like Al Capone, which then HELPED the FBI to balloon in size "to fight" the crime. You might doubt what I just said, but when did the "DRUG Epidemic" start and when did the POLICE / FBI militarization start? I wrote about that too.
2017 0107 The "War on Drugs" is a War on America (UPDATED: 2019 0814)

The FBI has NEVER been on the side of the American People. They are CORRUPT TO THE CORE. They ARE an ENEMY of the American People and they ALWAYS have been. In fact, I wrote these 4 articles about the FBI and I have spoken about the FBI in other articles.

2019 0815 MORON FBI Agent Writes Article Saying 'Cops Aren't Your Enemy'

2019 0922 Who is a "Terrorist"? It's the USA Government, of Course! (written after the FBI threatened me)

2019 0926 Who is a "Terrorist"? Part 2  (UPDATED: 2019 1020)

2019 1024 MORON FBI Agent UPDATED

SO YES, the FBI IS THE ENEMY of the American People.

WHY do you think there are SO MANY shows on TV now, promoting the FBI?

The FBI IS CORRUPT TO THE CORE from the day that it was formed and it NEEDS people to THINK they are GOOD. They aren't.

Eveything I'm telling you, is in my articles. PLEASE read them and share them with your family and friends.

Why isn't Melissa telling you about the WATER POWERED car that was STOLEN by the US government after they MURDERED the inventor, instead of boring you with talk about lithium and batteries?

These videos are from the 1980s

300 TV News - Water Powered Car 1   2 min.wmv

301 TV News - Water Powered Car 2   3 min.wmv

302 TV News - Water Powered Car 3   7 min.wmv

303 TV News - Water Powered Car 4   9 min.wmv

This video is from 2024 showing NEW water powered cars

First Water-Powered Car: The Future of Fuel is Here!

Think about this. Since water can power cars, then water can also power home generators. There are TV ads for emergency home generators that automatically come on when the electricity goes out, that run on natural gas or propane gas. WHERE ARE THE WATER POWERED GENERATORS? Every home could have it's own water powered generator without getting electricity from a power company. NO more outages, EVER, unless something happens directly to your home and not from a downed power pole 5 miles away. These generators can be built to be just as durable as a car. How many 40 year old cars are still on the road? By the way, you have seen the ADS on TV where they were asking people to donate their OLD cars because OLD cars can't be STOPPED by the simple push of a button with "ON-STAR" type technology. ON-Star was 30 years ago. What can they do NOW with the technology in new cars?

Do you see how everything is being used to DOMINATE and control us?

Understand this. SATAN does NOT care about water powered cars. 40 years ago, water powered cars would have hampered the DEAL MAKING with oil rich nations and other nations around the world, just like PROHIBITION was used to KILL alcohol for fuel. The DEALS have now been completed between these nations, as THE RULERS of each nation have BANDED TOGETHER to dominated EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE. That could NOT happen if the POLICE and MILITARY STOPPED FOLLOWING THE ORDERS of these SATANIC MONSTERS, but I can't find a SINGLE COP IN ALL OF THE UNITED STATES WHO IS TELLING ANYONE THE TRUTH. If I'm wrong about the police, SHOW ME.

SATAN'S 2nd Beast of Revelation 13 (video) is the POWER that FORCES the entire world to worship THE antichrist. Thank a US soldier and a cop for DOING NOTHING to stop this.

Satan's 2nd BEAST of Revelation (video), known as the US government, ATTACKED Asheville through WEATHER WARFARE. It's wasn't about LITHIUM or batteries as Truthstream wants you to believe. That may have been the EXCUSE given to the people who are in a position to profit from this attack, BUT this attack is just the latest such event to DESTROY America. Weather warfare has created droughts in the southwest, lowering the water level at Hoover Dam to the lowest it's ever been since the dam was filled. In fact, you may remember when the dam overflowed due to too much water back in 1983. I witnessed that overflow and it was amazing.

The LYING "News media" calls weather warfare "Climate Change", but it's NOT climate change.

Remember this clip ALWAYS. Lyndon Johnson saying "he who controls the weather, controls the world"

He was NOT lying

Weather warfare has greatly affected farming in California and around the country
Weather warfare dried out California. Then the US government CAUSED MASSIVE FIRES like in Paradise, California with MILITARY Directed Energy Weapons
Weather warfare created a HUGE jump in summer high temps around the country this past year
Weather warfare has created MASSIVE snow storms in the winter

Satan OWNS the United States government and Satan is a LIAR and a MURDERER who intends to dominate everyone, everywhere

Here is Jesus speaking about Satan to the Pharisees.

John 8:4 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

The US government is FILLED WITH SATAN'S LIARS who built 800 military bases around the world to dominate everyone, everywhere.


Please read my articles and then share the TRUTH with your family and friends.

Time is short and NOBODY in Asheville expected to die that day.

Here is something that JUST happened on December 25, 2024.

Bald eagle officially becomes the national bird

"President Joe Biden signs legislation officially designating the bald eagle as the US national bird"

Why am I telling you this?

Jesus is speaking here about HIS return to earth

Matthew 24:27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

THIS verse is why I'm telling you about Biden's designation
Matthew 24:28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

Carcase = DEAD PEOPLE.

You now KNOW that the US Military has 800 bases around the world and those troops will be MURDERING PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD for SATAN's New World Order.

Biden has OFFICIALLY TIED the US government (video) and the military to the same bird that Jesus says will have have DEAD PEOPLE around them.

eagles gathered together means armies of people.

Notice that Jesus DOES NOT limit this gathering to a single location.

If you have any family member or friend in the military, are you going to SHARE this article with them?

If you have any family member or friend in the police, are you going to SHARE this article with them?


Ezekiel 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?


As always, trust God and trust the King James Bible.




